Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post 6

This chapter in the book discusses digital media, and how it can be used to benefit education and classroom curriculum. "Digital media" is described as technology that can be altered and changed to create presentations or lesson plans. Digital media uses multi-media elements to form the computer-based presentations. Graphics, audio, video, animation, and text are all features that are considered multi-media elements and are used in the presentations. Digital media application, the process of putting these elements to use, is what we're going to learn in our project this week. The Wiki project we're going to do will use digital media and collaboration within our groups to create a lesson plan. As the chapter discusses, we can use educational software in creating our project. Educational software can be a computer program used in the classroom or a tool used to create a lesson plan for the classroom. All of these tools discussed in the chapter and our knowledge about them will benefit us in creating our own lesson plan for the project.
Since my last post I learned a lot about using the table function in Microsoft Word to create evaluation forms. I also learned how to use check boxes and other unique tools in my form. Creating the form took me a long time to complete, but I feel that it really helped me to advance my skills using MS Word. Also, although I'm still not as familiar as I'd like to be, I began to learn about Wiki. The video we watched in class explained that Wiki is something that allows many people to collaborate on one project, and edit, add, or delete things as they please. I hope the project will help increase my familiarity with Wiki.
The only thing I have to share with the class this week is that I am looking forward to learning how to use a Wiki. From the sounds of it I will not only be able to use this when I become a teacher, but could perhaps use apply it to my life right now. I was looking for an easy way to communicate my plans for my wedding and somehow get help from my friends and incorporate their ideas too, but we all go to different colleges so I thought planning would be a nightmare. However things are beginning to look a little brighter…I think using a Wiki will be the perfect solution to my wedding planning dilemma.

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